The Policing of Dissent

[Protesters at George Washington University by Jordan Tovin for The Washington Post] ___________________________________________ “Congress shall make no law respecting…the right of…

Guns, Kids. and Classrooms

[Note: The following troubling article comes from the Arizona Republic. What is the role of local, community-oriented police in these…

A Simple Safety Solution?

Closing Bars Early Reduced Murders by 40% in One US Neighborhood A most interesting research finding. We cannot eliminate alcohol…


BOHICA — Acronym of “bend over, here it comes again.” Used colloquially to indicate that an adverse situation is about to repeat itself, and that acquiescence is the wisest or only…

On Police and their Health

I can strongly attest to the necessity and effectiveness of policies and programs to improve the health and wellness of…


“Reimagining Safety,” a new (2024) documentary on Amazon Prime. In it, ten experts discuss how policing and incarceration create more…